

Ways to sell your house in Ireland

What are the different ways to sell my house in Ireland? There are a number of ways to sell your house in Ireland. We will talk about the ways of selling your house in Ireland and the pros and cons of each. After reading this, you should be more informed on selling your Irish property and what decision you should make. #1 Real estate agents You can market your property through estate agents who will advertise your property to potential buyers. Estate agents usually charge a percentage of the final purchase price. You will also have to pay solicitor's fees for this. This will not be a guaranteed sale. You will still be paying ongoing mortgage payments while waiting

By |August 1st, 2018|Categories: AIP Blog|Comments Off on Ways to sell your house in Ireland

Ways to sell your commercial property

What are the ways to sell my commercial property in Ireland, Who will buy my commercial property? We often see questions such as, who will buy my commercial property, or what's the fastest way to sell my commercial property? Selling your commercial property in Ireland can be done in mainly 3 ways. We will discuss all of the 3 ways and look at the pros and cons of each way. #1 Sell my commercial to Property Estate Agents You can sell your commercial property via your estate agent who will advertise your commercial property to potential buyers on their selected platforms. However, Estate agents are known to usually charge a percentage of the final purchase price. You will also have

By |August 1st, 2018|Categories: AIP Blog|Comments Off on Ways to sell your commercial property

Checklist for selling your house in Ireland

How to sell your house the right way Wondering how to sell your house in Ireland? Selling your house in Ireland can be difficult if you have no idea where to start. We have put a checklist together that includes the most important information for selling your house in Ireland. The legal side of selling your house The first and most important step on how to sell your house is getting in touch with your solicitor before the sales process starts. You must get your solicitor to request the title documents for the house you want to sell. The title documents will be held with your bank if you still have a mortgage on the property. Request these

By |June 26th, 2018|Categories: AIP Blog|Comments Off on Checklist for selling your house in Ireland
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