Focused on delivering social housing to meet all current standards and regulations.
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Do You Have Property Portfolio You Wish To Refurbish To Current Building and Fire Regulations, and Comply With Tenancy Regulations or Sell the Portfolio?
Call us today on 019023914
Allied Irish Property refurbish assets for our clients and acquire value-add properties throughout Ireland.
At Allied Irish Property we refurbish assets for a range of clients, councils, Approved Housing Bodies and receivers and private clients. Our wide team of professional tradesmen and surveyors deliver social housing nationwide, we meet all current standards and regulations. We focus on ESG and with assistance from SEAI we maximize the opportunity to increase the BER.
With our capital partners we also source assets in the private residential sector throughout Ireland and provide housing to Local authorities. We deliver affordable, refurbished and sustainable workforce housing to frontline workers and those in government-supported tenancies with a focus on ESG.
We offer an efficient acquisition process for off-market deals for investment portfolios in the residential sector. Alongside our Joint Venture partner we continue to expand our growth in the Irish residential market.
Allied Irish Property and our investment partners have successfully aggregated portfolios of income-producing assets of €50m+ and disposed of these to a long income funds.
Through our continued Joint Venture partnerships we are continuously looking for properties across a range of different sectors for value-add strategies.